Alexandra Dobbs
Sophrologist and Hypnotherapist
Alexandra Dobbs
Sophrologist and Hypnotherapist

How to stop smoking?

man breaking a cigarette

You have decided to quit smoking. Is it the first time and you want to better your odds of succeding? Or have you already quit several times and started off again after a while? Are you tired of starting smoking over and over again?

You are not alone ! Worldwide, some 780 million people say they want to quit smoking, but only 30% of them have access to the tools that can help them overcome their physical and mental addiction to tobacco. (source World Health Organization)

Tobacco info service, managed by Public Health France, offers you a mobile application to download for free (in French). It includes a 100% personalized e-coaching program, advice from tobacco specialists, tips and mini-games, support videos, monitoring of the benefits of quitting on a daily basis (savings and health). More info or call 3839.

And then there is also Sophrology and Hypnosis...

How to quit smoking with Sophrology and Hypnosis?

Once you have firmly made the decision to quit, it is not always easy to do so. As Eve testifies: "You may be determined to do it and very well know that it's bad for your health... Nevertheless quitting smoking is not so simple and I had already tried many times without success".

Indeed, if the physical withdrawal does not last more than a week, it is the emotional relationship that we have with the cigarette that makes it difficult to stop. It is on this emotional dimension that I will work with you using hypnosis. After a few sessions Eve now says: "thanks to these sessions, I was finally able to say goodbye to my old friend, the cigarette". Read the full testimonial

Explore your life history with cigarettes, what binds you to smoking, what does smoking represent to you, allows you or prevents you from doing. Do you have morning, midday and/or evening cigarette(s)? Are they all the say to you? Do you smoke them while having a coffee or a glass of alcohol, to take a break, to concentrate, to escape, to relax, when you are alone or with friends...? What do your cigarettes say about you? If you believe you need to smoke for a specific benefit what else could replace it?

Some of these answers are conscious, others are unconscious and that's when hypnosis comes in handy. This exploration is necessary if you want to better your odds of staying cigarette-free on the long run.

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