Alexandra Dobbs
Sophrologist and Hypnotherapist
Alexandra Dobbs
Sophrologist and Hypnotherapist


When to consider RITMO®?

Francine Shapiro is an American psychologist. In 1987, as she was on a walk, she noticed her eyes moving rapidly from side to side, while at the same time disturbing thoughts in her head became less intrusive. That's how she got started to devise the form of therapy known as Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing (EMDR).  EMDR, which involves making rapid eye movements to stimulate the brain, assists people in processing traumatic memories The method was successfully tested with Vietnam veterans and was later imported to France by David Servan-Schreiber.

Traumatized individuals are highly anxious and permanently re-live the traumatic event (flash images, nightmares, intrusive images ...), and often avoid certain situations, activities, thoughts, feelings related to the trauma, have a hard time to concentrate or controlling their emotions, have sleeping disorders, ... all this a long time after the traumatic event or emotional shock took place.

RITMO® (Retraitement de l'Information Traumatique par les Mouvements Oculaires)*, developed by Lili Ruggieri is a combination of hypnosis and EMDR; this technique efficiently and quickly relieves people suffering from post-traumatic stress syndrome in a long-lasting manner.

It is based on bi-lateral visual, audio and kinaesthesic stimulation ((tapping on knees, hands...), while the client dives into his memory.

This process activates the area of the brain in charge of "digesting" the traumatic event by separating it from the emotion. The perception of the event changes and is integrated: the event is put behind and no longer invades the present.

RITMO® is a technique for short-term therapies. In most cases, only a few sessions are needed, and sometimes one session is enough.

* Traumatic information reprocessing through eye movement


I use RITMO® combined with Hypnosis and Sophrology depending on your need.


* I do not take on people with psychotic disorders (schizophrenia, paranoia, manic depression  or bi-polar disorder) 

IMPORTANT: RITMO® is a technique which never replaces a medical treatment

Alexandra Dobbs

My practice in Vincennes

5 rue Robert Giraudineau
94300 Vincennes

From Monday to Saturday from 8h to 20h

Latest client feedback

"Ms. Dobbs is wonderful"

By Carolina Cabanillas

Ms. Dobbs is wonderful. She is neutral, grounded, empathetic, pragmatic and professional. Thanks to her I was able to speed up the progress in my goals. She is very targeted, easy to trust and do the work with. Thank you. (Google review)

"A very committed professional, gentle and funny"

By Cat Loris

A very committed professional, gentle and funny, patient and efficient. She really helped me to get over some deep-seated issues. Thank you (Posted on Google)

"calming down severe separation anxiety"

By Stéphanie Dulau

Two sessions were beneficial for my 9-year-old son, who was prone to severe separation anxiety. Since then, he seems calmer and has even managed to go on a school trip. (published on Google)

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