Alexandra Dobbs
Sophrologist and Hypnotherapist
Alexandra Dobbs
Sophrologist and Hypnotherapist

Dry January 2022

Among the good resolutions of the beginning of the year, there can be this one: Dry January, a worldwide movement by which several million people stop drinking alcohol during the month of January. This challenge is launched by the organization Alcohol Change UK in Great Britain. It isn’t about giving anything up. It’s about getting something back. Get your fun back. Get your energy back. Get your calm back.

It's never too late to get started.

5 tips to help you get started
1 Get rid of all the alcoholin yourt home
2 Anticipate when alcohol will be available
3 Treat yourself, be good to yourself
4 Don't stay alone
5 Plan events, activities

Want to stop drinking all in all or just want  to cut down your consumption: Sophrology and Hypnosis can help
In addition to medical support, sophrology and hypnosis sessions can help you change your drinking habbits. For instance, you can learn how to soothe stress, fears, anxieties and traumas that perhaps maintain your alcohol dependence; manage abstinence-induced withdrawal symptoms; identify and maintain the source of motivation...

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