June 2 - World Eating Disorders Action Day 2022
Eating disorders affect nearly one million people in France. More than half of them are not screened and do not yet access care!
The Fédération Française Anorexie Boulimie (French Federation Anorexia Bulimia) will organize an awareness day on this occasion. Throughout France: conferences, webinars, testimonials, installations, animations and many events to relay information on anorexia nervosa, bulimia and binge eating disorder.
This year, the theme chosen is "Help and support", in order to highlight the extremely important role of those around the person suffering from a eating disorder- parents, families, friends, colleagues, etc..
Psycom has a page dedicated to anorexia and bulimia, signs to watch out for, symptoms and possible treatments. (in French)
More information on World Eating DisordersAction Day (in English and Spanish)
Sophrology and hypnosis
Sophrology and hypnosis sessions can help you on the road to recovery, provided you have a medical follow-up in parallel.