Alexandra Dobbs
Sophrologist and Hypnotherapist
Alexandra Dobbs
Sophrologist and Hypnotherapist

Dry January

Dry January means going alcohol-free for the month of January, and that can bring huge, obvious benefits - but the really good stuff is under the surface...


1. What will you notice

See your skin get brighter, your wallet fuller, your days busier. Feel your step get bouncier, your mind calmer, your nights sleepier. Most people who do Dry January see a whole host of obvious benefits that make Dry January the perfect start to the New Year.


2. On the inside

A month alcohol-free has a lot of benefits: research published in 2018, conducted by the Royal Free Hospital and published in the British Medical Journal, found that a month off:

  • Lowers blood pressure

  • Reduces diabetes risk

  • Lowers cholesterol

  • Reduces levels of cancer-related proteins in the blood.


3. Long-term change

The real magic happens when Dry January is over. Dry January helps people to drink more healthily year-round. Research conducted by the University of Sussex has found that six months after Dry January more than 70% of people who take on the month with Alcohol Change UK's support are still drinking more healthily. On top of that, they have boosted levels of wellbeing, and much more besides.

How can it be that just a month off has a long-term impact? Being alcohol-free for 31 days shows us that we don’t need alcohol to have fun, to relax, or to socialise. It helps us learn the skills we need to manage our drinking. That means that for the rest of the year we are better able to make decisions about when we drink and how much, so we can avoid slipping into drinking more than we really want to.

That's extra good news, because alcohol is linked with more than 60 health conditions, including liver disease, high blood pressure, depression and seven types of cancer. In fact, alcohol is the biggest risk factor for death, ill-health and disability for people aged 15-49 in the UK. Cutting back on alcohol long-term reduces your risk of developing these conditions.


Why do the official Dry January?

People who take on the official Dry January with Alcohol Change UK are twice as likely to have a totally alcohol-free month, and to get amazing long-term benefits. What does it mean to sign up?

  • Download the free Try Dry app. It's your booze-free buddy for Dry January and beyond, helping you keep track of your units, calories and money saved and letting you earn badges along the way. Plus you can use it to track your drinking and set personalised goals all year round.

  • Sign up for free coaching emails. We'll offer you daily tips, stories and much more to help you get the most out of your Dry January. You can sign up for these via the app, or sign up for just emails here.


More info Dry January


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