Alexandra Dobbs
Sophrologist and Hypnotherapist
Alexandra Dobbs
Sophrologist and Hypnotherapist

13 March 2020 - World Sleep Day

On 13 March 2020 will take place the National Sleep Day in France and the World Sleep Day.

On average, we spend a third of our life sleeping. The way we sleep directly influences our physical and psychological health

In France, the Journée Nationale du Sommeil® is organized by the Institut National du Sommeil et de la Vigilance (INSV). This edition will focus on the way new technologies and ways of working impact the quality of our sleep. Centers and associations specialized in sleep disorders will be open to the public to give out information, raise awareness, give tips and offer tests around sleep disorders. This year, the French national day will coincide with the World Sleep Day® which the baseline: "Better Sleep, Better Life, Better Planet". 

Sleep disorders are not a fate

Many people consider sleep disorders are a fate, something you have to accept and get used to. More than half never mentioned it to a health professional. It's important to get information and talk about it to your general practicioner.

Sophrology and Hypnosis: take up again a good quality of sleep

You have problems going to sleep, you wake up in the middle of the night (frequently and/or for long periods of time), the quality of your sleep is insufficient, you often have nightmares or night terrors, you wake up with a tense body, etc. : these are frequent reasons for consultation. Sophrology and Hypnosis can help you improve your sleep. For example, you can learn how to breathe better, focus on your body rather than your thoughts, get to know your sleep cycles and personal way of going to sleep... and enjoy falling in the in the arms of Morpheus.

#sleep #worldsleepday #sleepdisorders #insomnia #nightmares #nightterrors #sophrology #hypnosis

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