Alexandra Dobbs
Sophrologist and Hypnotherapist
Alexandra Dobbs
Sophrologist and Hypnotherapist

Alexandra Dobbs - Sophrology and Hypnosis in Vincennes


portrait du praticien en sophrologie et hypnose

Alexandra Dobbs

As a Sophrologist and Hypnosis Practicioner, I support children (age 6+), adolescents, adults, through short-term counseling, in either individual or group settings, led in either French or English.

You feel stuck in a mental or emotional state? You would like to change a behavior or a habit which no longer suits you? You feel you are at turning point and need to move forward to a new life stage? But mere willpower doesn’t work… ?

I can support you along this process. With Sophrology and Hypnosis you can tap into your abilities and your imagination to make new learning experiences and take a new direction.

Your whole body is involved in the process, notably with the breathing and relaxation exercises Sophrology can offer.

Client feedback

"A huge relief!"

By Julie P

I was looking for a professional to help me get through a very difficult time - huge bouts of stress in a row, anxiety attacks, panic, feeling I couldn't breathe or “manage” everyday life. Alexandra was incredible, very welcoming, very gentle, a real listener, and the EMDR techniques gave me enormous relief and helped me regain my balance during one of the most difficult stages of my life. My husband and children also benefited. I'm very grateful for Alexandra's support; she helped me regain my balance in a gentle and caring way. (Google review)


"Ms. Dobbs is wonderful"

By Carolina Cabanillas

Ms. Dobbs is wonderful. She is neutral, grounded, empathetic, pragmatic and professional. Thanks to her I was able to speed up the progress in my goals. She is very targeted, easy to trust and do the work with. Thank you. (Google review)


"A very committed professional, gentle and funny"

By Cat Loris

A very committed professional, gentle and funny, patient and efficient. She really helped me to get over some deep-seated issues. Thank you (Posted on Google)


"calming down severe separation anxiety"

By Stéphanie Dulau

Two sessions were beneficial for my 9-year-old son, who was prone to severe separation anxiety. Since then, he seems calmer and has even managed to go on a school trip. (published on Google)


I can help you to

two fingers sleeping

Improve your sleep

Do you have difficulty falling asleep, frequent and/or long-lasting nocturnal awakenings, insufficient quality of sleep, recurrent nightmares, body tension, you wake up tired every morning...? Since always, just recently...?   


With the experience of Hypnosis and Sophrology explore how you can improve the quality of your sleep


More information

man breaking a cigarette

Stop smoking

You want to quit smoking, you have already quit but you started again, this time you can't do it alone...? By quitting smoking you are afraid you will gain weight, be hyper stressed, not have time for yourself anymore…?


With the experience of Hypnosis and Sophrology explore how you can permanently quit smoking.


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Lose weight

Are you tired of snacking, dieting with a yo-yo effect, binge eating sweet, salty or junk food...? Do you feel bad about your body?   


With the experience of Hypnosis and Sophrology explore how you can pacify your relationship with food and your body.


More information

four clocks from different countries

Coping with expatriation?

Are you starting to doubt your ability to cope with your new environment, are you feeling at a loss, homesick, full of stress, anger? Do even minor problems get you annoyed, frustrated? It might be time for you to get support.  


With the experience of Hypnosis and Sophrology explore how you can better cope with the hurdles of expatriation.


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woman relaxing on couch

Manage your stress

Are you tense, stressed, irritable, tired, anxious? Can't disconnect?


With the experience of Hypnosis and Sophrology explore how you can regulate your stress.

light shining through trees

Live (not just survive)

after a trauma

You have been attacked or molested? You have had an accident? Since then, you keep thinking about it, you have flashes during the day or at night, it feels like it was yesterday even though it happened months or years ago...?  


With the experience of Hypnosis and Sophrology explore how this event can find its place in your life story and allow you to move forward.


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Free yourself from a phobia

Just the thought, the image of “that thing” or that situation... and you can’t breathe, your heart races, you break out in cold sweats, you panic. It has become hell; it seriously complicates your life because you do everything to avoid it.  


With the experience of Hypnosis and Sophrology explore how you can overcome this panic fear and make this thing/situation become normal again.


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Develop your self-esteem

Do you often say to yourself "I suck", "I'm not going to make it", "if only I had self-confidence", "others know better", "I'm an impostor"...?  


With the experience of Hypnosis and Sophrology explore how to develop your self-confidence, the way you see yourself and your self-love.


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How to cope with your hyper-sensitivity

Do you feel like an “emotional sponge”, are you over empathetic, are your feelings often by criticism, reproaches, conflicts, do you feel like your brain is overheating...?  


With the experience of Hypnosis and Sophrology explore how you can better be acquainted with your hypersensitivity, tame it and experience it as a strength rather than a weakness.


More information

This list is only a sample. If you have any questions, need information, or if you wonder whether I can help you, please feel free to contact me and we can discuss it.

Your Sophrology and Hypnosis practicioner
in Vincennes

Access the practices

5 rue Robert Giraudineau
94300 Vincennes

You can easily access the practices coming from Bagnolet, Champigny, Charenton-le-Pont,   Fontenay-sous-Bois, Joinville-le-Pont, Lilas, Montreuil, Nogent-sur-Marne, Paris 11, Paris 12, Paris 20, Romainville, Rosny-sous-Bois,   Saint-Mandé, Saint-Maur, Vincennes ...

Make an appointment

From Monday to Saturday from 8h to 20h

Make sure to contact Alexandra Dobbs before coming to the practice.

Practical information

I support children (age 6+) , adolescents, adults, seniors during individual sessions in my practice or within their home, or collective sessions within associations, companies,  schools, medical structures etc. 

Last articles

Coping with Expat life?

How to stop smoking?

I want to lose weight!

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